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Having a paper translated from a foreign language - (May/04/2011 )

Dear all

I have this important paper that is published in German. Do you guys know of any translation services out there? I am highly reluctant on using google translation, however I have found this website, and am wondering if any of you has used it before:



there is a lot of translation software, commercial, shareware and freeware, available if you want to try to do it yourself.

for windows

for mac


thanks for the reply.

I am aware of these translators, however I was more asking about whether there are services which are catered to the scientific community. I am not sure how reliable these translation products in terms of accurately conveying the messages in the publication.


PandaCreamPuff on Wed May 4 22:33:04 2011 said:

thanks for the reply.

I am aware of these translators, however I was more asking about whether there are services which are catered to the scientific community. I am not sure how reliable these translation products in terms of accurately conveying the messages in the publication.

There are some... but its really really really expensive.. (and I dont know any online). I dont know the website you mentioned.
Anyway: in order to translate scientific papers you need 1. a good translator and 2. that translator needs to be aware of the scientific phrases etc.. and the combination of both makes it expensive.

I dont know if you really need to have that paper translated? But if you do: it will cost a lot of money.
Another option, if you work at university, is to let students translate it as an assignment.
At the university I studied , students that studied for example Russian were given russian papers from another (science)departement and they had to translate it and get grades on it.
(it was part of their eduction, they had to learn to translate text)
(the scientific knowledge was not that good, but the ones receiving and needing the papers in the end could pretty much understand it). The benefit was also that the students learned to do the work they had to do later on. And off course: its cheap...

The free online websites to translate: thats +- , not that good... It takes a lot of time: you need to translate it phrase by phrase.. (if you give too much text at once, you might get weird results..) Or even word by word.. and then you need to puzzle it into one whole text.. it takes time... and its frustrating...
