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Pray for us - (Feb/17/2011 )

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I watched some footages of the violent protests in the evening news....gosh, really bad :angry: .....stay safe, Strawberry....


We hope and pray that you, your family and everyone in Bahrain is safe.

Good Luck !!!


I feel like wanna crying of your support.......thanx guys, big thank you for all of you :wub:
sorry for not posting here the days left...we were all busy about what happened and what is still happening now! :)

TWO is one believed that we are living in Bahrain! Our army is trying to kill us...i'm not overestimating what i'm saying :(

some were killed, some were lost (still there are), and hundreds got wounded!

thanks for god, My family and me are all fine, but since we are living in such a small country, we know each other even in different villages...sadness is everywhere :(

You can follow the news in BBC or CNN...Here, we follow social sites (twitter, facebook and forums)...and many trust Press TV ;)

Recently, thousands of Bahrainis returned back to Pearl square :wub:

Attached Image


Glad to hear that you are safe. Hope that your country will not block the communications as well...
I actually don't understand why the army want to kill peaceful citizens...

-adrian kohsf-

complicated issues

Here is a link for many reporters Bahrini people send to CNN:

and this is a report for Robert Fisk from the independent , yesterday (19 Feb) describing some of what happened:

'They didn't run away. They faced the bullets head-on'


adrian kohsf on Sun Feb 20 16:06:38 2011 said:

Glad to hear that you are safe. Hope that your country will not block the communications as well...
I actually don't understand why the army want to kill peaceful citizens...

An army paid by the governement.. An army that has everything to lose...


Army and police forces moving toward pearl roundabout to kill the people.

Please HELP.....SOS

They r attacking the people now in pearl roundabout in Manama with their guns.
Oh the world, weak up, help the Bahraini peaceful people, men and women.
They are killing them. HELP

PLZ guys, publish this messege to all those u know, PLZ

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