I just...destroyed something - FML (Dec/21/2010 )
Our lab doesn't have a retired 16/60, nor does any other lab that's not on vacation (I've asked about 5 labs). Hopefully when vacation end, one lab may have a retired column that they want to give/sell for cheaper price. (Btw does anyone here have one?)
I've tried using pipet (big 25ml one) but can't reach it, tried kind of turning it upside-down couple of times with water inside but it's still stuck, therefore I opened the bottom. The thing that stuck was the filter-like thing from the top which stuck on the resin, and if it's stuck there it will mess up the whole column, and the top won't have a filter. I'm sure if I turn it upside down longer it will be loose, but I didn't know that the bottom will be that delicate (cracked by just opening it).
For the lost material, we have extra 15ml clean one which is exactly the same volume as what I've lost.
Those accidents in bitesize bio looks terribly bad too..especially the centrifuge (that's why I always always balance everything on digital weigh machine).
Hi MPBM, I also agree with mdfemko, accidents happen. I'm sure your supervisor had other broken stuff in the past.
I wouldn't pay for it though. 400 $ isn't much for a lab (usually) but it's a lot for a student, right?
We all broke something one day. Hmm maybe we should make a post about it. I recently broke the clock that was on my wall while trying to catch it to change the battery. I also almost broke a freezer mill (very expensive) because a sample got stuck in the tube. That was bad and very stinky .
Don't beat yourself up.
Yeah, I learned to not do it again, e.g. by not messing up with any expensive eq without my supervisor there.
A post about "stuff you've broken recently" would be interesting to see what others have broken (and we can learn how to not break another)
Is your boss back? How did he react?
I called him, and then he just said "I see. Don't do it again. Oh btw how is that experiment about bla bla bla ?" and then we continued to talk about that experiment for 30 minutes. He also refused the offer for paying money. He didn't seem to make a huge deal about it o_O
Yohoo, good boss
Don't feel too bad, I had a friend flood an entire lab because he left the water on over the weekend (including destroying computer equipment in the lab room below). People make mistakes and things get broken and on the whole this one wasn't that bad.