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Thank you BioForum - (Nov/23/2010 )


I recently finished my PhD objectives and now I am writing up my thesis. I would like to sincerely thank the creators and moderators of this forum that helped me throughout my entire PhD.

To me it is all like a journey. I remember all those days that my experiments kept failing and I was desperately looking for a new protocol, and then I came here and people rescued me immediately :D . Now all of that is a good memory.

I would like to thank all of you, and most importantly rkay447 (my guardian angel), pDNA, pito, perneseblue, mdfenko, bob1, scolix, homebrew, rsm, Bioforum himself, phage434, fred33, dr. name it, all of you. Many of us are old members, from before the big crash ;). You are a part of my life.

Now I feel like it's time for me to pay back and rescue others ;) keep up the good job guys!


Congratulations, Dr. Curtis!


welcome back
