Not really scientific English. but... - (Oct/31/2010 )
I am not a native speaker, and I do need some help here. If I'm referring to a freak accident I experienced lately, which of the following description is correct?
a) This will definitely be one experience that I will never forget!
That was definitely an experience that I will never forget!
c) This will definitely be one experience I will never forget!
d) That was definitely an experience I will never forget!
e) ......(your own version)......
Million Thanks and hope there is somebody can explain to me.
A and C imply a future event that has not yet happened, whereas B and D put the event in the past. You could also use the preamble "This is definitely an experience...", which suggests that the event will be added to your collection of unforgettable events.
Hi HomeBrew,
Thank you for your explanation. Thanks a billion.