Boss Blues - (Oct/07/2010 )
I work as a cytogeneticist at an unnamed lad ( so as to avoid recriminations!) and find it strange how little management seem to to know about the job we are doing. Does anyone else have this problem? If you do, how do you get through the day?
Misenko on Thu Oct 7 12:27:39 2010 said:
I work as a cytogeneticist at an unnamed lad ( so as to avoid recriminations!) and find it strange how little management seem to to know about the job we are doing. Does anyone else have this problem? If you do, how do you get through the day?
Hello Misenko,
Probably this should be over in the venting and counselling section. I'm not surprised by your comment. Even the head of department here seems to not really understand my research- despite me telling him often enough. Its frustrating sometimes, but I try and remember that they probably have many people to deal with everyday, each with their own work or own problems, so they can't retain all that information.
Of course when they should remember something important and they don't thats too annoying and maybe you should explain to them what the issue is or why its important.
As long as your immediate colleagues around you know what you are doing and you can talk to them, then try not to let the ignorance of superiors get to you too much.