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The War on Terror, the Board Game - An amazing satire of the modern empire building. (Aug/14/2010 )

Last night. a bunch of friends and I were introduced to a board game called The war on Terror.

it was a good bit of fun and a funny satire on international politics.. The duplicity of people knows no bounds. Even people you call your friends.

The rules of the game are simple enough to learn. Yet there remains so much free form action, the game is as much about moving counters, playing action cards and rolling dices on the board, as forming alliances, bribes, and trading, off the board.

And unlike most other games, there never is a "dead" player. Players who loses their empire, becomes "terrorist". Thus the game remains engaging even if you have "lost"

I would highly recommend this game. It is international relationship in miniature.

At the end of 4 hours of fun. There were a few sobering lessons to learn.

<*>Don't fund terrorism..While terrorist are useful tools to topple rival empires, terrorist can quickly get out of hand. Giving money to terrorist only makes more terrorist,
<*>Never isolate nation/empires. They become desperate and turn to terrorism to survive.
<*>Secret Messages is the road to paranoia. Paranoia is never good.
<*>A nuclear strike is crippling. A nuclear war leaves no winners. Yet nuclear weapons are a good defense to keep other empires for making you do things you don't want to do.
<*>Nobody ever gives Peace a chance.

It is amazing how a few simple rules, plus human nature and we recreate our world.

PS: Our game ended with the world in total anarchy with every empire destroyed. In our wars of conquest and desire to destabilize our rivals, we had funded too many terrorist until they took on a life of their own. The turning point was only realize too late. There is probably a lesson here to be learned by our leaders... though it is probably too late..


sounds interesting... and it's almost as long as playing risk.


yes, it sounds interesting, and it may be a kind of successor of Junta, also a board game in this direction...


Yes, but so much more fun. There even an Axis of Evil spinner and the Evil Balaclava which the player arbitrarily selected as the Evil Empire must wear.
