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It's TJ's B-Day - It's Beer Day (Jul/05/2010 )

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thanks hobs :lol:


ooops....almost forgot this:

your beer hero....:lol:


LOL... just in case you can't finish your beer, you can mail it to me or bring it to any conferences....


-adrian kohsf-


-hobglobin- at 2:30 pm? definitely tj's hero......


Happy birthday TJ!

-lab rat-

thanks lara!!

oh homer j... life wouldn't be quite the same without him.... :P


Happy Birthday TJ

I'll supply some cake for your beerfest

Hope you had a great birthday!


beer girls at ball park. I feel sorry seeing them carry such a big tank of beer and try my best to make it lighter. TJ could help me with this.

Happy beerthday, TJ.


:lol: sure, sure BB-san, how selfless of you......ok, how about this one...touted as the best invention ever:

Asahi's Beer Robot
you need a bit of patience though ....:P

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