The Chit Chat Vent Thread - (Jun/24/2010 )
I needed to bitch today and thought the thread would appreciate an all-purpose thread for airing whatever's on their mind.
Me? I'm wondering whether I may have just lost a close friend.
It doesn't help that I'm in love with him and his facebook status has now turned up as 'It's Complicated'.
I feel hurt enough by this that I'm wondering what to do with the friendship.
Maybe I shouldn't have decided to wait until seeing him in person (which would have taken at least a year, probably three) to tell him how I feel.
It doesn't help that my social life is also so badly bereft right now of virtually anybody due to a multitude of things beyond my control (availability of people who exist on my wavelength, etc) that besides him I realistically have nobody else.
It doesn't help that lots of the world around me already sucks.
does sound complicated to me.
there's actually a separate section for venting and counselling but stay here, people are just waking up and running for coffee.
I just hope everything works out well.
I was under the impression that the Venting and Counseling forum was work-related.
That could very well be. Anyways, everything is work-related oneway or the other.
And, how are you doing?
Turns out he's still single and that the 'it's complicated' was just his way of saying that he can't handle a relationship right now.
Whew. I was scared for a while.
just venting and before counselling things seem to have settled
where is our resident counsellor, today?
O now, how much I have always hated facebook.
And, ACh, come to Words words words thread sometimes. Wave length of everyone matches and clashes at the same time.
see nabi-san u got a chance to councel without the resident counsellars inputs and tere u go.. problem solved!!!!
i think u are a lucky charm!!!!
solve my problems too nabi-san!!!
i neeed 5 days weeeeeek!!!!! i dont wanna work on saturdays!!! i wanna go to the gym!!!! i want more salary!!! i want to go home!!! i think i shud stop!!! lol!!! man is a gready animal u see!!!
No, it's not me.
ACh's own luck or fate or whatever; but am not in a position to speak anything about the situation. I don't understand relationships so well. That's why I was wishing someone in better position would come in here. And, U nor me is one
i agree... i m equally bad at estimating or for that matter understanding relationships.. i may say i m a bit lazy on tat..
facebook is silly... it kinda reminds me these "8 magic balls", so you shouldn't rely on everything that is posted there