How do you know it's time to call it quits - (Mar/16/2010 )
I've in been in this current lab as a research assist. (technician) for about 1yr and 4 mos. I have been learning new skills and techniques just recently and finishing up data for a paper. Lately, the PI has been on everyone's case in the lab and just changing everything, so it had been very frustrating b/c one day after a mistake I made (because I was following his suggestion in the first place), I snapped at him for his condescending reply. It's not just the current PI irritating me, but also my supervisor. His is just more of saying the same thing over and over. I can deal with that, but what I cannot deal with is his evaluation.
One of the things he's saying is that "You need to think about the experiment. Know what you're doing during each step." I do this and I follow the protocol, but what more is there I need to do? How can I stop thinking as a technician and think like a grad student?
I'm starting to think that working in the lab is not for me. This has been my 2nd full time lab position and the first time was just a person issue. How can I make this more enjoyable for me and still get the desired results. I had planned to go to grad school, but I'm ready to nix that in the bud if I can't think like a grad student.
From a technician who has moved on to bigger and better things: One thing I've found over the years is that "thinking like a grad student" isn't any different than thinking like a good technician. If you don't understand why you are doing something, how can you do it well?
Just relax. If you have having difficulty with certain concepts, you may just need to talk them through with someone patient or read a different book/article. With a little work, you will eventually get the mindset you want.
Dont leave a good place where you are learning, making progress and earnng money just beasue of some irritaing person. Dont think about him or her. You fill find many on every place. What is important you and your life which is connected with your career and think about how to progress with that. Just enjoy the irritating person with its full swing.
lab rat on Mar 16 2010, 10:00 PM said:
Just relax. If you have having difficulty with certain concepts, you may just need to talk them through with someone patient or read a different book/article. With a little work, you will eventually get the mindset you want.