Pregnancy and Grad School - (Feb/03/2010 )
I haven't posted in quite some time but I thought I'd give yet another update for anyone stumbling upon this thread.
I'm now a (almost) second year PhD student and the proud mama of a beautiful 9 month old little girl. Handling my duel roles is by no means easy but it is doable. I feel like I've made the best decisions for my career and my family. Honestly, grad school is probably the best time to make babies if you can't wait until you're a tenured professor.
One piece of advice for academic moms out there; seek out other academic moms! You're bound to encounter rather unique problems that most moms just won't understand and having a support group is key.
Oh, and in between all the diapers, grant writing, laundry, assay planning, strollers, fellowship proposals, pacifiers, class work, and baby food .... find a good babysitter and get away from it all for a few hours!
Hey GradMom,
Congratulations! I wasn't here when you first posted but this is quite an interesting story and you must be really proud to have pulled it off really well. Plus, your regular updates gave it a nice blog feel too.
Hope you finish your PhD in time and start posting as Dr. Mom