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Happy Xmas - Jingle bell (Dec/20/2009 )

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LostintheLab on Dec 21 2009, 09:33 PM said:

I've sung the huron carol, though in english before- tis v. pretty and Sarah Mclachlan is a fav o'mine. I couldn't find any crazy canadian songs though so you got calm and gentle.
There are plenty of wild celtic ones to be found I'm sure (probably Irish)

I like Sarah too...I have heard the english version too- and that would be perfect for your voice, Lost-san (if an octave higher).....let me find a crazy canadian song'd probably be crude and lewd so let's scratch about a crazy gaelic one?


I'll take what ever you can find!


LostintheLab on Dec 21 2009, 10:01 PM said:

I'll take what ever you can find!

:)...I'm now on a mission, Lost-san.....


I failed abysmally , Lost-san :).....couldn't find a bawdy limerick....this one's from my mom's collection:

Taladh Chriosta

it's hauntingly beautiful though.....:D...


this is my favourite mewsic. :)
"River" Sung by Sarah McLachlan


vetticus3 on Dec 21 2009, 10:53 PM said:

this is my favourite mewsic. :D
"River" Sung by Sarah McLachlan

the best version ever, V.....:)...imagine those kitties on skates...


Thanks V for the skating kitties and for the loverly Scottish lullaby YRH

I found a kinda funny scottish christmas (ish) song


What about this one:

PC holiday song
(and with four hot dudes for cas :o )

or this

a collection


And now some quality Aussie Christmas songs, to show you northerners exactly how we do it down here!!!!

Have a great Christmas everyone.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

-- fr Malaysia, with love~~~

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