How to Reject a Paper - (Nov/05/2009 )
So, you're like Americans, but farther north.
-lab rat-
lab rat on Nov 6 2009, 11:55 PM said:
So, you're like Americans, but farther north.
yup...we're probably like kissing cousins or friendly neighbors or BFF........
Ouh I hadn't seen all this activity on this joke .
Well, my friends, I TRIED to disguise myself...not that easy .
Maddie on Nov 17 2009, 07:10 PM said:
Ouh I hadn't seen all this activity on this joke .
Well, my friends, I TRIED to disguise myself...not that easy .
Well, my friends, I TRIED to disguise myself...not that easy .
not a single joke here will get past us, will be poked and prodded and spun on its tail....welcome to the forum btw. And what's this disguise you're talking about.....that you're actually a southern belle pretending to be yank?
Nah I'm French, and my English is too imperfect for me to play with it, sigh.
Maybe I should pretend I'm Canadian
Maddie on Nov 18 2009, 10:23 AM said:
Nah I'm French, and my English is too imperfect for me to play with it, sigh.
Maybe I should pretend I'm Canadian
Maybe I should pretend I'm Canadian
well, you could've fooled me.....and you can be a Canadian- a Québécoise to be more precise.....however, if you really wanna polish up your English, go to the Word thread (in chit chat) we speak all kinds of languages over there, in fact all kinds of english too...learn and enjoy....
But if I go there, my English would get even worse
Maddie on Nov 19 2009, 11:22 AM said:
But if I go there, my English would get even worse
huh, but your French will get better (or at least status quo) cos noone's gonna fool around with it over there....besides, where's your Jacques Cartier/Samuel de Champlain spirit? ...
You have a point
not only a point...I'm actually always right (99.999%) of the how about it, Maddie....