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Happy Birthday V - time to stop the counting.... (Sep/30/2009 )

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hope your day would be as festive as his or hers or whatever it is....:)..


happy birthday, vetticus3 (whatever happened to 1 and 2?)!!

i hope your day is (was?) as good as you wanted it to be.


Happy Birthday vetticus


happy birthday vetticus.....ask your boss to give your lab mates a day off to relax :huh:


Thankyou everyone!!!

cake for everyone..

casandra: i was given a massive experiment to do...not quite sure how that's a gift, or festive, but it's close enough. maybe. <_<
MD: #1 and #2 were in a horrific accidnet which i was in no way involved with :P
gebirgsziege: i wish. B) i'll petetion the government to make my birthday a world wide holiday. mandatory relaxing. someting something.

take it easy people :)



Happy birthday V

here have a beach... much better than some experiments.
Attached Image

Hope you had or are having some time to celebrate!


Happy Birthday V. Are you still in beautiful Bris-Vegas?


//Zoo version//
Happy Birthday to You
You are born in the Zoo
With the monkey and kangaroos
And the gorilla is you...

//microbiology version//
Happy birthday to you
you are stuck in the hood
with the cultures and steel loops
supervisor wants paper from you...

//Molecular biology version//
Happy birthday to you
Trying Gel-Doc with hope
but gel doesn't looks good
wonder what makes it crooked...

Happy birthday VETTICUS.
Wish you happy always! Take good care.

Adrian KohSF

-adrian kohsf-

happy belated birthday V!! hope you had a good day. your birthday is yet another good reason to have a beer :)


You guys (and gals) all ROCK!!

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