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- miRNA Cloning Protocol (Fatih Kocabas, Moleküler Biyolog ve Genetikçi, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas)
Added: Sat Jan 31 2009, Hits: 3216, Reviews: 0
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MicroRNA (miRNA) and siRNA Cloning Protocol
(Bartel Lab, MIT)
This protocol consists of the following procedures: 1. Oligo Design; 2. ImpA Synthesis; 3. Synthesizing Oligos; 4. Oligonucleotide Adenylation; 5. Small RNA Purification; 6. 3' Adaptor Ligation; 7. 5' Adaptor Ligation; 8. RT-PCR; 9. Concatamerization; 10. Cloning into Topo vector; 11. Screen and Sequence
Added: Sat Jan 31 2009, Hits: 3665, Reviews: 0
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MicroRNA Cloning Overview
This overview gives you a general idea on how miR is cloned starting from small RNA isolation and purification.
Added: Sat Jan 31 2009, Hits: 2484, Reviews: 0
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