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- Phosphatase treatment of DNA fragments
(Practical Approach Online, Oxford University Press)
Includes treatment with bacterial alkaline phosphatase and calf intestinal phosphatase
Added: Sat Aug 17 2002, Hits: 1124, Reviews: 0
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Alkaline phosphatase treatment of DNA (CIP)
(Schneitz Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 903, Reviews: 0
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CIP Dephosphorylation of Linearized DNA
(Vesicle Trafficking)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 755, Reviews: 0
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Cleavage Efficiency Close to the Termini of PCR Fragments
When designing PCR experiments in which the synthesized DNA fragment is to be subsequently digested with a RE, it is very important to determine how many extra nucleotides should be added to the 5’-end of the PCR primer next to the introduced recognition site to ensure efficient cleavage with the appropriate restriction endonuclease. Some restriction endonucleases cleave DNA poorly when their recognition sites are located at the ends of DNA fragments. Information on restriction endonuclease performance close to the end of DNA fragments may be helpful when planning the introduction of cleavage sites at DNA termini in PCR experiments.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 382, Reviews: 0
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De-phosphorylation of DNA
(Dr. Simon Dawson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nottingham Medical School)
Calf intestinal phosphatase (CIP) treatment of DNA and subsquently purification.
Added: Sat Apr 10 2004, Hits: 81, Reviews: 0
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Digestion of PCR Products
Some basic facts you need to know to cut your PCR products.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 258, Reviews: 0
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Phosphatasing with Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (S.A.P.)
(Hedrick Lab, UCSD Cancer Center)
Use to prevent linearized vector plasmid from recircularizing
Added: Tue Dec 10 2002, Hits: 605, Reviews: 0
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