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- DNA Extraction from Archival Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded Tissue Sections (Contributed by APostodoc)
Describes two methods of extracting DNA from archived, paraffin-embedded sections. One is the standard non-heating enzymatic digestion method; the other is heating method based on the principles of the antigen retrieval technique, which yields better DNA quantity.
Added: Thu May 06 2004, Reviews: 0
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- Extract DNA From Paraffin Blocks
(Chen Lab, UCSF)
Standard protocol for isolating DNA from paraffin blocks including procedures from proteinase digestion, phenol and chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation
Added: Sun Oct 25 2009, Hits: 7178, Reviews: 0
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Cached - A simple method for DNA extraction from formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue blocks (Protocol Online)
Most clinical tissue samples are routinely fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin wax. This process is essential for archiving purposes and to maintain excellent cell morphology.
Regarding the tissue fixation by formalin, it is known that denaturation and modification of macromolecule by formalin (e.g., alkylating and cross-linking of functional groups), leads to an insolubilization of the macromolecules, thereby minimizing the loss of nucleic acids from fixed tissues.
On the other hand, the solubilization of DNA from formalin-fixed specimens is negatively correlated with the duration of formalin treatment and the yield of DNA extractions may be seriously reduced when compared to an unfixed specimen.
We choose the lung cancer in our work, because the lung cancer remains the most common cause of death from cancer worldwide, despite improvements in chemotherapy and antismoking campaign.
One goal of cancer researchers has been to extract DNA from archival tissue blocks.
FFPE samples are routinely and widely used for Molecular Biology research and Pathology examinations.
This article describe a very simple and efficient method for DNA extraction from FFPE tissue blocks in order to carry out Molecular analysis as amplifying DNA with PCR techniques.
Use of very small amounts of clinical tissues like biopsy samples, can be problematic because the extraction of DNA from limited quantities of tissue can be unreliable and produce poor yields.
Added: Tue May 12 2009, Reviews: 0
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DNA Extraction from Paraffin Embedded Material for Genetic and Epigenetic Analyses
To extract DNA from paraffin-embedded samples, tissue cores or microdissected tissue are subjected to xylene treatment, which dissolves the paraffin from the tissue, and then rehydrated using a series of ethanol washes. Proteins and harmful enzymes such as nucleases are subsequently digested by proteinase K. The addition of lysis buffer, which contains denaturing agents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), facilitates digestion. Nucleic acids are purified...
Added: Sat Dec 08 2012, Hits: 1452, Reviews: 0
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DNA Extraction from Paraffin Sections
(Laboratory of Thomas Ried, NCI)
A standard method for extracting DNA from paraffin tissue sections
Added: Thu Oct 17 2002, Hits: 5950, Reviews: 0
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Extraction and Isolation of DNA from Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
(Genomic Medicine Biorepository, Genomic Medicine Institute, Lerner Research Institute)
Added: Sat Dec 08 2012, Hits: 1603, Reviews: 0
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Extraction of DNA from Paraffin Sections without Microdissection
(Waldman Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 3320, Reviews: 0
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Microdissection and DNA Extraction from Paraffin Sections
(Waldman Lab)
Collecting tissue from paraffin section for DNA extraction using microdissection technique.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 3061, Reviews: 0
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