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Adding a Scale Bar to Microscope Images (using Photoshop)
(Andrew Burgess, PhD)
Short easy guide to adding a scale bar using Photoshop to your microscope images.
Added: Mon Aug 22 2011, Hits: 924, Reviews: 0
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Embryo 4D Micro (Zeiss Axioplan 2 Axiovision 4.5)
(Dr. Ian Chin-Sang)
Embryo 4D Microscopy Using the Zeiss Axioplan 2 and Axiovision 4.5 Software
Added: Mon Feb 06 2012, Hits: 487, Reviews: 0
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Embryo 4D microscopy mounting
(Dr. Ian Chin-Sang)
Embryo 4D video Microscopy preparation of slides and embryos.
Added: Mon Feb 06 2012, Hits: 464, Reviews: 0
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Immunfluoresence on Chamber Slides
(Bowtell Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1709, Reviews: 0
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Immunofluorescencc Microscopy of tissue culture cells
(Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
These methods are written for direct staining of filamentous actin with bodipy FL-phallicidin and indirect immunofluorescence staining of microtubules with anti-tubulin antibodies. They easily can be modified for conventional immunofluorescence staining of any tissue cultured cell or direct staining of actin filaments
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 2447, Reviews: 0
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Measuring Cell Fluorescence using ImageJ
(Andrew Burgess, PhD)
A very simple guide for determining/quantifying the total level of fluorescence in a given region (e.g nucleus), using the free ImageJ software.
Added: Thu May 26 2011, Hits: 1428, Reviews: 0
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Mounting medium for immunofluorescence microscopy
(House Ear Institute)
This mounting medium is easy to prepare, can be stored cold or frozen, can be used with anti-fade agents and will polymerize to give a dry, semi-permanent mount. If for some reason the sample is needed again, immesing in water will dissolve the medium again.
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 2085, Reviews: 0
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(Bowtell Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 918, Reviews: 0
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