E. coli transformation - (Sep/21/2005 )
Hi all,
I am using the Quickchange site directed mutagenesis kit for mutating a ~ 4.1 kb plasmid. After this I treat the mutated plasmid with DpnI to digest template methylated plasmid. But I have real problems transforming E. coli with DpnI trated plasmid. Why?
Any suggestion will be very appreciated
Thanks in advance
What exactly is your problem? Are you seeing no colonies at all? And if so, are you doing a positive control with the same vector (just not DpnI treated)? Are you sure your PCR is working? Are your cells competent?
Thanks Vairus,
Amplification seems to be well done as seen on agarose. Cells are competent. I see no colonies after transformation procedure. Control with template non mutated non DpnI treated plasmid allows good number and quality colonies formation.
Amplification seems to be well done as seen on agarose. Cells are competent. I see no colonies after transformation procedure. Control with template non mutated non DpnI treated plasmid allows good number and quality colonies formation.
Have had similar problems myself. But no problems since I stepped up to using rubidium chloride competent cells. Thats why you get supercompetent cells I believe. Some vectors are required in high amounts or as I found with the Duet vector, the cells did not like them that much. You need to purchase more competent cells