5" RACE method - (Oct/15/2001 )
Could anyone tell me what the best method and kit for 5" RACE of cDNA are?I graetly appreciate your kind help.
No methods or kits are "best". But you may try the Clonetech kit.
Agreed. I think Clontech has incorporated some new type of molecular technology that is supposed to improve the 5' RACE technique. But Gibco, Roche, and other companies offer kits. It's just a matter of you doing some research into the different kits and companies to see what you think is best for you. Call tech services of the companies, talk to them, and obtain literature. A little literature and product literature done now pays off in the long run. I've found that this is a really good way to learn about different companies and what they have to offer while at the same time, learning more about the experiment before actually doing it.