Identifying microRNA computationally? - (Sep/06/2005 )
I have some short murine transcribed sequences identified by exon trapping. I am
wondering if they could possibly be microRNAs but am unsure how to go about
investigating this computationally. Any info/help would be gratefully
Hi Anthea,
Please check this post
Also this page
Thanks very much PCRman. My sequences dont appear to be MiRNA based on folding,sequence similarity or searching the known MiRNA databases.
I am wondering if they could possibly be siRNA. How would I go about finding this out? How do MiRNA and siRNA differ?
Hi Anthea,
I am not sure if there are naturally occuring siRNAs in animal cells. In plants, siRNA may be generated from double-stranded RNA via dicer processing. Double-stranded RNA can be formed in three ways such as bidirectional transcription of the same gene, from a transcript that contains inverted repeat so that it can form hairpin structure. I couldn't remember the third situation.
miRNA and siRNA don't differ much in terms of function, but differ a lot regarding biogenesis.