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A variation of the usual PCRprotocol needed - (May/19/2001 )

I need to know how to make a variation of the usual PCR protocol that would enable me to amplify entirely new genomic sequenceson both sides of the single known sequence. Any help would be verymuch appreciated.


A few solutions available for your question:1. Commercial kit like Chromosome Walker from ClonTech

2. Amplification of Gene-regulating region with single-sided specificity in PCR cloning protocol from Humana Press

3. Adaptor ligation-based PCR-mediated walkingAnalytic Biochemistry 260, 149-153,1998


Sounds like you are looking for the vectorette kit from Genosys.


You could try Tail PCR, it was developed for finding flanking regions to transposon insertions.

Efficient isolation and mapping of Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insert junctions by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR. Liu YG et al, The Plant Journal (1995) 8(3) 457-463
