About MiRanda - (Aug/01/2005 )
Could anybody tell me that:
1.Can load several miRNAs and a lot of UTRs at one time,respectively?How to achieve it?
2.where can I get the human miRNA pool?
3.Instead of UTRs,can I load exons or introns to analyze?
Thanks for your attention,appreciate greatly for your advice!
1.Can load several miRNAs and a lot of UTRs at one time,respectively?How to achieve it?
You can put mutiple sequences (either miRNA or UTRs) in a fasta file, for example
Use text edit to edit and save the file. Don't use word!
2.where can I get the human miRNA pool?
3.Instead of UTRs,can I load exons or introns to analyze?
miRanda cannot tell whether your seq is UTR or intron, any DNA sequence will do.
Thank you very much!