Commonly used endothelial cells - (Jul/19/2005 )
Dear All,
Could you let me know a list of commonly used endothelial cells? I have never worked on endothelial cells but only on epithelial cells. I want to study VEGF in endothelial cells. In addition, are there any differencies culturing them from culturing epithelial cells?
If you happen to know the expression status of VEGF in any cells, please also share with me.
Thank you for your input.
i know three distincts cell lines.
Huvec : Human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (most used) that are non immortal. and by the way not cheap...
PAEC : porcine aortic endothelial cells
TrHBMEC : transformed human bone marrow endothelial cells (by large T)
EA.hy926 : hybridoma immortal cell line prepared by Cora-Jean Edgell in University of North Carolina. This cell line is derived from fusion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and permanant human lung carcinoma cell line A549.You can look for her paper in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1983. 80:3734-3737. It's a hard transfectible cell line, but accept the retroviral infection.
They were tested and positive for : Ve cadherine _ Intégrines avb3, b1, av _ bFGF _ Angiopoietin 1/2 and VEGF...
I hope that clarify little the field for you.
Could you let me know a list of commonly used endothelial cells? I have never worked on endothelial cells but only on epithelial cells. I want to study VEGF in endothelial cells. In addition, are there any differencies culturing them from culturing epithelial cells?
If you happen to know the expression status of VEGF in any cells, please also share with me.
Thank you for your input.
Hi I am using HAEC(Human Arotic Endothelial Cells) these are primary cultures, they are commercially available in different companies. The medium used for culturing is 10%EGM-2(clonetics). If you decided to use HAEC let me know so that i could send u complete protocol(reviving,thawing and starvation etc).
gud luck