is hot weather a important factor in RNA extraction? - Does the degrade of Exracted RNA have a close relationship (Jun/05/2002 )
Does the degrade of Exracted RNA have a close relationship with this hot weather?
I've found that it's not so much the hot weather but the phases of the moon. In my experience when the moon is waxing my RNA preps are intact. Unfortunately, when the moon is waning my RNA is usually degraded except in the fall when results may vary.
Seriously, your RNA is probably the victim of RNAse. The warmer the ambient temperature the more active the RNAse is degrading your RNA. If you can resuspend the final pellet in a stabilized formamide product called Formazol made by the same people that make RNAzol.
Good Luck and remember only prepare RNA when the moon is waxing.