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DNase1 footprint - (Jul/13/2005 )


I am searching for a method for non-radioactive DNase1-footprint analysis. Do you have any suggestions?



here is a paper i think can help you. It's difficult to make this, but not impossible....
good luck!! wink.gif

J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 348, 43–62
Functional Characterization of SDF-1 Proximal
Carelia Garc?´a-Moruja1, Juan M. Alonso-Lobo2, Patricia Rueda1
Carmen Torres1, Nuria Gonza´lez2, Mercedes Bermejo2, Francisco Luque3
Fernando Arenzana-Seisdedos4, Jose´ Alcam?´2 and Antonio Caruz1*
