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BrdU assay by FACS - (Jun/21/2005 )

Hello there,

I was planning to do some BrdU assays by FACS.
I was wondering whether anyone knows any BrdU kits and protocols works well for adherent cell lines (e.g. HeLa and MCF7)
I am a bit concerned that the tripinization step would give false-positive results.

Thank you millions in advance!


If you are looking for nicks in the DNA (late stage apoptosis) then the Apo-Brdu kit from BD-Pharmingen is good. I have used it on MCF-7 and the trypsinization step does not affect it.

However, if you are looking for early stage apoptosis ie compromise of the cell memebrane then the Annexin V FITC is good however, it is plagued with the false positive problems.

good luck
