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antibiotics concentration for JM109 and DH5 alpha - (Jun/12/2005 )

hi all..

i wanna know what are the antibiotics concentration (for kanamysin and ampicillin ) for bacterial e.coli strain JM109 and DH5 alpha so that the bacteria can grow when the plasmid got that two antibiotics. i tried to transformed the ligated plasmid that got 2 antibiotics but still dont get any colonies..plz help.... sad.gif


in general we use concentrations for Ampicillin 100µg/ml
and for Kanamycin 30µg/ml.
This normally works on DH5alpha, but I have no experiences with JM109.
I never had problems with antibiotic concentration but with the ligation itself. Have you already checked if your ligation works?


the gene of ampicillin confers resistance up to 100µg/ml.
For kanamycin, in our lab we use 50µg/ml. But according to me it is little strong. So i'm gonna try 30µg/ml.


QUOTE (Mirina @ Jun 13 2005, 02:09 AM)
in general we use concentrations for Ampicillin 100µg/ml
and for Kanamycin 30µg/ml.
This normally works on DH5alpha, but I have no experiences with JM109.
I never had problems with antibiotic concentration but with the ligation itself. Have you already checked if your ligation works?

thanks for the reply..
i didnt yet checked my ligation whether it works or not..i will try to check on it..wink.gif
