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PCR; Perhaps someone can explain? - PCR; Primer (May/25/2005 )

Hi, I'm a student at a high school in Holland. I recently got an assignment from school to isolate IL-6 mRNA from T24 celline. (human bladder carcinoma cells) and then make cDNA from the IL-6 RNA.

Now my approach would be to use a kit (Oligotex from QIAGEN) to purify the RNA from the cells. Then i want to use the iScript cDNA Synthesis kit (BIO-RAD) to make the cDNA.

But i think need to isolate the IL-6 mRNA from the other mRNA first by using PCR.

For that i need a primer for IL-6.
How do i find the primer for this purpose???

I have never done a PCR before although i'm familiar with the theorie.


P.S. Feel free to make any suggestions in how to tackle this assignment.


QUOTE (Junior @ May 25 2005, 03:54 PM)
Hi, I'm a student at a high school in Holland. I recently got an assignment from school to isolate IL-6 mRNA from T24 celline. (human bladder carcinoma cells) and then make cDNA from the IL-6 RNA.

Now my approach would be to use a kit (Oligotex from QIAGEN) to purify the RNA from the cells. Then i want to use the iScript cDNA Synthesis kit (BIO-RAD) to make the cDNA.

But i think need to isolate the IL-6 mRNA from the other mRNA first by using PCR.

For that i need a primer for IL-6.
How do i find the primer for this purpose???

I have never done a PCR before although i'm familiar with the theorie.


P.S. Feel free to make any suggestions in how to tackle this assignment.

You may search Pubmed ( for earlier publications on IL6 that might have primer info in them. Alternatively you can search GenBank ( for sequences of human IL6 and use any of the freeware primer designing programmes (this website also has quite a few of them) and get your specific primers designed.
All the best.


How to design rRT-PCR primer? Here is a tutorial


Thanks i'll look into it right away.

