Do I have amplication of RNA? - (May/18/2005 )
Hello dear experts,
May I ask if it is posibble that RNA can be amplicated by normal qPCR. Because in a qPCR I test the genomic contamination of my isolated RNA, two primer pairs target to the same house keeping gene is used for qPCR. The first primer pair is designed within one exon, whereas the other is a intron-exon pair.
I should expect that:
-if there is genomic DNA contamination I should get signal from both primerpairs.
-if there is no genomic DNA in my sample there should no signal be detected by both primerpairs.
But out of my expectation, I see a clear amplification in the reaction using exon-exon primer pair, but not in the other using exon-intron primer.
May I conclude that DNApolumerase can also amplify RNA because RNA 'looks so like' DNA??
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot, dear experts!
Yes, I think so, for more infomation, please refer to my post in Molecular Biology. Interesting discovery!