Blunt End Ligation !Which god to pray? - (Apr/27/2005 )
Guyz.... just carried out transformation for my blunt ligated products... plz suggest me which got to pray? Tonight is goin to be really long for me
you should be fine. just keep it at 4C until later in the afternoon when you have to pour (i meant plate) it.
This sometimes work for me ...
Stand on your left leg facing west and hop two steps.
Change legs and facing north, hop four steps.
Place both legs on ground and pray to each god you know in turn.
Before checking incubator the next day (to check for colonies), spin ten times to make yourself dizzy so when you get out the plate, it looks spotty.
But seriously ... if you try various ratios of vector:insert and incubate as George says at 4C for a longer period than required for sticky ends (4h to overnight), you should be fine.
Good Luck!