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Transferring cells from a 96 to 24 well plate - (Mar/29/2005 )

Transferring cells from a 96 to 24 well plate:

1. Identify the clones to be expanded.
2. Using a sterile pipet tip and pipettor, resuspend the cells by pipetting.
3. Transfer 150 ml of the cell suspension one well of a pre-labeled 24 well plate.
4. NOTE: Use only the top row of each 24 well plate for new clones to allow room to expand the cells down the plate as they grow.
5. Add 2 ml of fresh medium to each well of the 24 well plate. Add 150 ml of fresh medium to each 96 well.

This is the protocol for transfering cells from a 96 to 24 well plate. The volume of each well in a 96 well plate is 150ml and i wonder what does it mean with point 3? How much should i transfer to a well of a 24 well plate? How much should i leave behind in a well of a 96 well plate? unsure.gif



i think that step 3 mean that you should write on the plate or identify clearly the well before adding cell in order to not forget what you've put in it smile.gif

but i think it would be better that you put 2 ml in a well of 24well plate and THEN add the suspension of cells.
