Human infection from Viral Vectors? - (Mar/22/2005 )
A bit of a dodgy subject here. I share a lab with a group who are doing viral vector work in a normal cell culture lab as our PC2/3 lab isn't running yet (new building).
Normally we just ignore it but I found out last week I'm pregnant again and now I'm concerned about the chances of these vectores affecting the foetus.
Maybe I'm silly and paranoid but I also don't want to kick up a stink if there's no danger as I love my job.
Don't worry. Virus vectors don't infect human. If you are still concerned, check what vector they use and get the MSDS from the vendor which will tell you any potential danger of the vector.'s in an andeovirus and it's one they 'created' themselves so no MSDS.............
hum well adenovirus is quite dangerous. But if you have gloves (non treated with ethanol !!!) and works in a microbiological security level area there won't be any problem...laminar flow hood are nought enough secured as they blow out the hood air and then you can breath it, with potentially viruses on aerosols that alwys form with liquids...
But don't be paranoid. Adenovirus don't cross latex or nitril.
Take care about non breathing vapors of cell culture and should be ok
A bit of a dodgy subject here. I share a lab with a group who are doing viral vector work in a normal cell culture lab as our PC2/3 lab isn't running yet (new building).
Normally we just ignore it but I found out last week I'm pregnant again and now I'm concerned about the chances of these vectores affecting the foetus.
Maybe I'm silly and paranoid but I also don't want to kick up a stink if there's no danger as I love my job.
I worked with SIN-Lenti's while I was pregnant, and in a lab where adenos were used too. I "worried" a little, but that's because pregnancy makes you worry about everything. The adeno work was approved for our standard cell culture facility (bsl 1/2), and while I was doing the Lenti work, we were then approved for it in there too (vs the level 2+ core facility that we used)
You can ask if the viruses are replication incompetent (the safest). There is the possibility of "catching" an adeno through inhilation, and it recombining with any adeno you might be infected with, but that is probably the biggest worry. So don't breath in the lab and you should be fine! :-)