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What is a mock transfection? - (Mar/13/2005 )

what is Mock? is that DNA? and why do we use it in mammalian transfection as a negative control? i have checked the net, but can't find any info about it. unsure.gif


Mock transfection is transfection without DNA to control potential effect of transfection reagent on the cells. If there were no mock transfection, you would not be able to know if a response you detect is caused by the DNA or transfection reagent.



thanks, so what can be used as Mock? rolleyes.gif


For example, you are transfecting an expressing vector with lipofectamine, the mock will be lipofectamine only with DNA replaced by medium.

If you are doing experiment treating cells with some chemical, you dissovle chemical A in B to make a solution for treatment, you will have to add the same amount of B in Mock treatment which sometimes is also called vechicle treatment.

Hope I have made it clear wink.gif



thanks. cool.gif
