Isolating monocytes from wholeblood 2 - How can I do this? (Feb/28/2005 )
I have a little problem with understanding the selection procedure of monocytes from PMBC decriebed at this forum.
I understand the selection procedure, using Leucoprep tubes with Neucosep 1.077, but my problem is the next step where it is suggested to let the cells incubate for a few hours and then wash away the media, since the monocytes should adhere to the plastic surface???
I have been working with THP-1 cells for a while now and every time I have seen adherent cells it is because that they are differentiating. If they differantiate to macrophages they arent much worth as monocytes I guess... Could anyone here tell me if I am wrong?
My general problem is that I, am going to isolate monocytes from whole blood, so if anyone knows how to do this without differntiating the cells, I would very gratefull to know. Ill have to be able to culture the monocytes afterwards..
maybe can you try this one :
Well, thats the discussion that I have a problem with, since they (besides the magnetic bead part) suggests that you select the monocytes by washing away the nonadherent cells after purification with luecoprep.
Thats the reason why I called my question "isolating monozytes from wholeblood 2". because I dont understand how you select the monocytes out of the culture if they differntiate first. I mean if they differentiate to adherent cells, they must be macrophages and I need pure monocytes to my experiments.
My general problem is that I, am going to isolate monocytes from whole blood, so if anyone knows how to do this without differntiating the cells, I would very gratefull to know. Ill have to be able to culture the monocytes afterwards..
what r u using to differentiate the the cell and wt is the concentration>
I just saw your question pertaining to monocyte isolation. You ar right. Macrophages will adhere to dishes and that is a very quick way to get rid of macrophages if you don'y need them for your experiment.
A better way to isolate monocytes from whole blod is to isolate PBMCs using percoll gradient, followed by elimination of macrophages. Then you capture monocytes using specific beads from R&D. These beads are suppose to capture monocytes by binding to specific monocyte markers.
Good luck