BclI working efficiency - enzyme cutting (Feb/24/2005 )
Can BclI cleave the sequence that close to the end of DNA fragments.
as said by NEB, it seems that this RE require 6 bases pairs on either side of their recognition site to cleave efficiently.
I hope it's compatible with your experiment.
thanks for you reply, but in my experiment, i only have 2 base left on the right side, has anyone had experience about the enzyme in this situation.
then you will experience reduced digestion efficiency. Try redesigning your scheme to accomodate these extra bases.
then you will experience reduced digestion efficiency. Try redesigning your scheme to accomodate these extra bases
"reduced" can mean "none" here, if that's not been tested by someone, noone can predict what activity the enzyme will show. so it's best to follow george@CASE' s advice and try to use another stategy or primer!
thanks for all your answer, I will change me experiment strategy.