peroxidase reaction - , How it works? (Feb/16/2005 )
Whai is the reaction of peroxidase?
How it can develop the brown colour?
What is the function of hydrogen peroxide and OPD or TMB substrate?
please let me know!
a peroxydase general reaction is :
H2O2 + R-H2 ------- Peroxydase-------> 2 H2O + R
Hydrogen donnor oxydized donnor
colourless coloured
you have here the basic principle of the reaction. The reagent colourless becomes couloured (in brown or whatever) in the presence of H2O2 and the peroxydase enzyme (usually coupled to an antibody)
i'm not a chemist so i can't tell you the atomical changes in the reagents used in the reactions. All i can tell you about the TMB and OPD reagents are the detailed names :
TMB is 3,3',5,5' tetramethyl benzidine
OPD is O phenylene diamine
Is that all you wanted to know or do you need more informations