realtime RT-PCR/internal control - (Feb/14/2005 )
I will use real time RT-PCR to detect gene expression. But I could not decide which internal control shall I use. Do you have any advise about that? And if you have a good internal control you used for your research before, could you please give me the primer sequence. Thanks a lot
There are a range of internal controls possible, most people use beta-Actin, 16s RNA or GAPDH. There should be primers avaliable for these from most primer supply companies.
good luck
also consider RNA pol II
a paper you might be interested in :
Validation of housekeeping genes for normalizing RNA expression in real-time PCR
Keertan Dheda, Jim F. Huggett, Stephen A. Bustin, Margaret A. Johnson, Graham Rook, and Alimuddin Zumla
BioTechniques Vol. 37, No. 1: pp 112-119 (Jul 2004)