software for drawing gene structure - please help! (Feb/11/2005 )
The gene I am working on has around 34 exons. I want to have a good quality figure showing the gene structure (exon and intron) of this gene. Does anybody know software can automatically draw the gene structure given the exact postion of exon and intron?
i do not know of any software but you can color code your letters or employ a color background highlighter.
hi is a good site and has man resources. Maybe can you find something will would help.
Hi Annh,
Just go to
Upper from this page, search 'Gene', for 'accesion no. of your gene', GO
Hit the gene name of your interest (blue color) then you will see the a gene overview in the next page. To show the exon-intron position just use the pulldown "Display" and choose 'Graphics'
Have a lot of fun!
is your gene annotated on the UCSC Genome Browser?
what you can do is capture the display as a postcript file and use illustrator or coreldraw to view and alter it.
Very quick and easy! Bless the boys and Girls at UCSC