Mouse pancreatic primary culture: protocol is needed - (Feb/03/2005 )
Does anyone has a reliable protocol to establsih mouse pancreatic primary culture?
Thanks a lot in advance for Your help and time,
Do you have it growing in mice right now? Best to use DMEM and 10% Fetal Calf Serum as your media and cut up the tumor into small fragments (4-5 mm). Then just incubate and see if the cells adhere. Might need to add 10% mouse serum also if the tumor originated in a mouse.
Jancen, thanks..
Yes, I am growing it in mouse model now and planning to start the establsihment next week....
Do I have to add any hormonal suppelements (since pancreas is a hormonally active tissue), antibiotics, etc.?
Besides, where do you get 10% calf serum?
...Oh, just now I realized you've been talking about pancreatic tumor tissue whereas I mean normal pancreatic acini..
Ooops, my bad, sorry.