How to predict the 3-D structure with the sequence of protein? - (Feb/02/2005 )
I try to predict the 3-D structure of a protein with the sequence. Are there someone knowing a good software? Thank in advance!
I guess you could check the EMBL site for their structure prediction tools. They have quite a few of them and you could choose depending on your requirements.
Hope it helps!
You could try
One way is to use swiss pdb viewer to predict, but you must have a protein structure available with at lease 80% of sequence similarity.
I also recommend Deep View and Swiss Model for this job. The Swiss model can give you a good structural model if there is a known structure with more than 30% sequence identical to your protein.
You can also get a compromised model with less homology if higher homology is not available by doing a 'stand-alone' modeling with the same software.
BTW, I got a model published using Deep View and the active site image was chosen as cover image in BBRC last yr.