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FACS analysers - Purchase of a FACS analyser and cell sorter (Jan/18/2005 )

Myself and my colleagues wish to purchase a FACS analyser, and also a cell sorter. The two options we are looking at for the analyser are the BD FACSCanto and the DAKO Cyan ADP. For the sorter the two options are the BD FACSAria and the DAKO MOFLO. I would be very grateful for any feedback that users may have on these instruments. I would be particularly interested in hearing from people that have experience with both the BD and DAKO instruments.


Hello. I would email
He is our resident expert!


my colleague who deals with a bd facs aria has regulary problems with cell sorting, and she's not very happy with this material, bought last year (i mean new).


my colleague just told me that she has problems with cells that stick each other strongly and/or rapidly. moreover she said that such cells often stuck to the capillary. On the other side she said that facs aria is a good material.
