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ligation question - ligation (Jan/13/2005 )

can anybody tell me, is it useful to run the ligation mixin the gel?really confused since somebody suggested to do this step. Also, the Insert : Vector (mol)=? be better, 1:1; 1:3; 3:1????????or depend on your stuff?thanks.


Do you mean to run a gel using the ligation reaction? It won't hurt if you do so and may give you some idea whether your ligation is successful or not.


QUOTE (pcrman @ Jan 13 2005, 10:42 AM)
Do you mean to run a gel using the ligation reaction? It won't hurt if you do so and may give you some idea whether your ligation is successful or not.

yes, can we exactly make sure the ligation work well or not from gel with control? thanks,man.


I do not think you can make sure of your ligation from the gel .I did like this,though I can see three different bands(insert,digested vector,and after that was another band,which seems to be the ligation),but I got no right colony !
But it will not give any side effect by doing that ,and the ligation mixture will be useless after transformation,so ,you can have a try . unsure.gif
