in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry - (Dec/01/2004 )
Hi I would like to know if sombody have made double ISH-IHC. I think that this is posible if you use fluorescents antibody and fluorescent probes! Sombody can help me?Thanks!!! Ah I'm sorry for my english...jejeje
We do it routinely in my lab. The order is IHC then the FISH.
We have found the best approach is to stain the cells with the antibody of interest, view and document the cells and then perform the FISH. We then go back to the location of the cells and pull up the original photograph and look in the nuclei for the FISH probes. The FISH results are then matched to the IHC.
Hi, Scientist,
I am not familiar with the ISH and ICH double staining. As I know, mRNA detected by the FISH is more fragile than protein detected by the ICH, why did you firstly apply ICH rather than ISH? Thank you!