Anybody has ever transfected EL4 cells with siRNA? - help! (Nov/30/2004 )
are there any body have ever transfected EL4 cells with siRNA?or even any form of nucleic acid?
I have transfected for many of times with plasmid DNA such as eGFP and PLRTK,the efficiency is very poor. I tried Lipofectine2000 and electroporation, the later method seem to improve transfection of plasmid DNA,while it is a consuming method,and furthermore,I am afraid it would not work when I transfect EL4 with siRNA. I wonder if any one can give me some advice?Thank you!
NeoPhectin available from us works well in difficult to transform cell types such as endothelial cells and primary cells - more information at
Probably a bit late for a reply but just in case you haven't solved your transfection problem, on the amaxa website
they say they get about 60% transfection efficiency in EL4 cells (you have to register but it is free) and amaxa electroporation is apparently fine for siRNA transfection (I haven't tried it myself but intend to soon!)
Im about to start electroporating EL4s with siRNA too! Have been transfecting plasmid DNA regularly then sorting cells with the MACSelect kit but am worried about the siRNA transfection efficiency... Have you had any luck yet?