About antigen-antibody affinity - (Dec/10/2008 )
Hello! I found some mutations in an antigen-encoding region. So I want to know whether the antigen-antibody affinity has changed, Could someone give me some advise? Thank you!
Hi there,
Well It depends on which part of the protein (Ag) the mutation has taken place. Try to find out the cross reactivity by artificially mutating different regions of the protein.
You just wanted to know if there would be any changes in the cross reativity, it depends dude, you should know the reaction profile of the protein to see what would happen if there is a mutation, try to find few papers on them, also try to put your sequence in the Proteomics websites to check if your mutated protein matches any other protein in the web site..
I know that the comment is very general if you have already worked it out lemme know what you are actualyl looking for
Cheers mate!!!
If there is nothing in the litterature about these mutations, the only way to do it would be to express the WT protein and the mutated one and to do some direct ELISA to check the affinity of antibodies to the WT and mutated protein.
if the region mutated shoud be glycosylated you might have to express the protein in eukaryote cells.
Thank you for kindly helps!