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TLC separation of cholesterol and pregnenolone - (Dec/03/2008 )


I have a new problem to separate cholesterol and pregnenolone on TLC. Since they're both hydrophobic, I wonder which slovent system can separate them well on the plate, e.g. 3 cm away? I found a paper that might have the right method, but they 'develop 3 times' of the plate. I don't quite understand what this means...

Thanks if you can share your experience!



QUOTE (josophen @ Dec 3 2008, 10:25 AM)
'develop 3 times' of the plate. I don't quite understand what this means...

it means run the plate three times. run it to the top (or near), let it dry, run again to about the same level, let it dry, then run one more time to the same level.

running the tlc plate with solvent is called "developing".


Thank you mdfenko! I thought it like this...have never done like this before.

So in this way these compounds can be seperated more than 1 developing? How come? I'll give it a try!


you should see better resolution of the less mobile compounds this way.
