Mysterious occurences in the lab - When things go bump in the lab (Nov/24/2008 )
I've just got back from our cell culture room where I recieved no more than 4 of those static electricity jolts and this isn't the first time. Everytime I go to cell culture everything metal I'm near seems to generate sparks of me! repeatedly
I might add this in only in cell culture and it doesn't matter what I'm wearing either- all natural material- spark, manmade (BIG spark) latex gloves, rubber soled shoes- spark.
Now I thought I was the only one, but apparently others in the cell culture have the same thing....
Any suggestions why? And anyone else got weird goings on in the lab (don't get me started on our "possessed" coffee grinder)
Lost with prickly fingers

I might add this in only in cell culture and it doesn't matter what I'm wearing either- all natural material- spark, manmade (BIG spark) latex gloves, rubber soled shoes- spark.

Now I thought I was the only one, but apparently others in the cell culture have the same thing....
Any suggestions why? And anyone else got weird goings on in the lab (don't get me started on our "possessed" coffee grinder)
Lost with prickly fingers

If you are in a cold and dry location that is pretty common, specially in wintertime. The environment is so dry that you get charged with static electricity in fingertips, nose and lips mostly. During wintertime I carry with me a static energy "drainer" (I don't know the actual name if that little gadget) but it help you to get rid of those annoying electrons that make you spark with metal surfaces (or people too, have you got a spark when touching or kissing someone?). However, I am not sure why it happens in your culture room... ectoplasmic activity, maybe?

It can be painful sometimes having those little electric shocks!
The only "possessed" thing I own is my kitchen floor lamp. Any resemblance to the 80's Amityville movies are purely coincidental!
you may have an improperly grounded instrument or electric line. we used to have a centrifuge that was plugged into an improperly grounded electric line. when you touched the centrifuge and the instrument next to it you would get a jolt. i don't know if the line (240V) was ever fixed but the centrifuge was replaced with one with a plastic case so we don't get shocked anymore.
This helps. Or if you wear clothes and shoes that won't charge itself when walking over surfaces like PVC. I guess it should be non-plastics and conductive material e.g. leather soles or soles with some metal in it. So that charges won't be separated and can be discharged on conductive surfaces. Or touch the radiators regularly.
used to happen to me all the time. not lately tho. when you get the spark kissing someone it can be very painful!
sometimes i was not wearing any clothes at all and still had sparks
Cheers for all the suggestions- I think the only thing to do is get that static electicity gizmo- cause it hurts everytime I go get my cells out the incubator! It will have to be the kitty chan one too, since I am in the land of Kitty chan.
As to improperly grounded instruments, I don't even want to think what they do here- its a different voltage system to what I'm used to (3 pins and fuse in all plugs all with earth wires). They have mixtures of 3 and 2 pin plugs with the ocassional green wire (earth?) dangling around. what gives?
Never had that spark kissing someone! and the no clothes - are you sure you're not the HIGHLANDER or something?

sorry to hear about your electric shock-filled days, Lost....and don't be touching any of them dangling green wires..they exist for a reason

oh c'mon casandrita, you know we're all dying to hear what you've gotta say! do i need to ask you twice? pleeeeease sweetie. or have you finally satisfied your need for attention? hopefully not

sometimes i was not wearing any clothes at all and still had sparks

That was attention-catching!