protein structure alignment in 3D - (Nov/21/2008 )
I am looking for an alternative program to Secondary-structure matching (SSM) ( ) to computes protein structure alignment in three dimensions.
It would be great if the alternative program is implement in C or Java.
Best regards,
Do you know where can I find the code of DALI, MSD and SAP?
This may come across as being a tad harsh but, did you look for yourself?
I googled protein structure alignment and found this as the first hit.
I then read that article and found links to several alignment methods.
A good resource that is harder* to find is the EBI resources page - this has tools for all sorts of things.
*Actually it isn't hard at all
I wouldn't suggest digging into the SAPP source unless you are a proficient c coder or it has been significantly rewritten.
Also look at this:
There is a somewhat old paper that covers several tools including those cited in the wikipedia link above - you really should find the paper.