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RNA extraction for real time PCR from specific brain region - (Oct/10/2008 )

Dear all,

I want to extract RNA from mouse brain tissue, (not the difficult part tongue.gif ) to do real time experiments on it.
The problem is that I want the RNA comming from a specific brain region and not the entire brain dry.gif (this gives a completly different result)

How do I best extract this tissuepiece and preserve the RNA in it?

brains after removal and flushing the blood are immediatly immersed in liquid nitrogen to instant freez them.



QUOTE (hebus @ Oct 10 2008, 08:50 PM)
Dear all,

I want to extract RNA from mouse brain tissue, (not the difficult part tongue.gif ) to do real time experiments on it.
The problem is that I want the RNA comming from a specific brain region and not the entire brain dry.gif (this gives a completly different result)

How do I best extract this tissuepiece and preserve the RNA in it?

brains after removal and flushing the blood are immediatly immersed in liquid nitrogen to instant freez them.


You could perform the dissection in RNAlater-ice

Alternatively perform the dissection before freezing
